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    A Private Ecclesiastic Research Project

    This UNIFYD WORLD’s UNIFYD TV Private Ecclesiastic Agreement (the “Agreement”) is
    entered into by and between UNIFYD WORLD/UNIFYD WORLD INC.’s Private Ecclesiastic
    Entity, Faith Based Organization, Church/Temple (hereby known as “UNIFYD WORLD”), and I,
    the Congregant (hereby known as “Congregant”, “Party”, “Member”, “Participant” and/or

    WHEREAS, I may not use this, or any private service related to UNIFYD WORLD or UNIFYD
    TV if I do not accept the terms of this Terms and Conditions’ Private Ecclesiastic Agreement.

    WHEREAS, I must accept this Terms and Conditions’ Private Agreement in full, before
    completing the application process on the UNIFYD TV’s platform(s) and/or site(s), in order to
    gain access to the Exclusive Private Content and be part of the UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s),
    directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) and UNIFYD WORLD’s
    Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization.

    WHEREAS, the following definitions are used throughout the Agreement.

    DEFINITIONS. The following capitalized terms will have the meanings ascribed to them below:

    Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization and Church/Temple.

    B. “UNIFYD TV” means UNIFYD TV, a Private Ecclesiastical Research Project of UNIFYD
    WORLD, for advancement of spirituality and education which utilizes UNIFYD TV’s
    platform(s) and/or site(s)’s Private, exclusive Body, Mind, and Spirit educational content.

    C. “Congregant” or “Party” or “Member” or “Participant” or “Organization” means I, the
    person or entity who joins UNIFYD WORLD as a Congregant and participates in
    UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research
    Project(s), and/or event(s) as a Private Congregant/Participant from here on, after
    consenting to these Terms and Conditions.

    D. “Donation/Contribution” means any amount donated by the Congregant to UNIFYD
    WORLD’s Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization and UNIFYD TV.

    By joining UNIFYD WORLD’s congregation and entering into participation for UNIFYD TV’s
    site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), as well
    as any website or social media group started by, created by, maintained and/or organized by
    UNIFYD WORLD, the parties hereto agree to the Terms and Conditions of UNIFYD WORLD as
    well as its Private Ecclesiastic Research Project UNIFYD TV;
    NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby
    acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:


    1.1 UNIFYD TV. Its streaming media site(s) and platform(s) that may provide Private and
    exclusive content with product reviews, directories, private services, Private
    Ecclesiastic and scientific research, links to products and content sites, instruction,
    counseling, coaching, tools and other spiritual advancement and physical/spiritual
    health related subjects and information, such as graphics, images, text, video, links
    and/or other materials and content provided to me for Private Ecclesiastic,
    spiritual/scientific, educational and research purposes only. I, the Congregant, shall not
    rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace professional medical
    advice by a fully licensed health professional.

    1.2 Link Placement. I, the Congregant, am allowed to place links to UNIFYD TV’s
    streaming media platform(s) on website(s), newsgroups, message boards or within
    electronic mail to invite new congregants to join UNIFYD WORLD and participants
    to UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research
    Project(s), and/or event(s). I may not place links on website(s), newsgroups, message
    boards, unsolicited emails or in any other location that may share content from
    UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV, which pertains to Private, Ecclesiastic and
    Proprietary Content, as that would constitute a breach in confidentiality and intellectual

    1.3 I, the Congregant, may not place links that are intentionally or unintentionally

    1.4 I, the Congregant, may not place referral links on websites, newsgroups, message
    boards, unsolicited emails or in any other location that may be injurious to the
    UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV’s brand.

    1.5 I, the Congregant, may not place information in the Directory(ies) that is derived from
    another entity or individual who is not a private individual and congregant of UNIFYD
    WORLD and/or a participant of UNIFYD TV’s platform(s) and congregation. In case
    I use the Directory(ies) to include information from non-congregant entities, it would
    constitute a breach in confidentiality and intellectual property.

    1.6 Amendment of Private Service. UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV reserve the right
    to modify, change or terminate UNIFYD TV’s private service and Congregant’s
    participation at any time. I, the Congregant, will be notified of any such change via
    email or by announcement of such on the UNIFYD TV platform(s) and/or site(s). If I
    do not agree to the changes, I must remove and cease any involvement, participation
    and using any links referring to UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV in conjunction
    with this Agreement. UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV is not required to continue
    to pay any affiliate payments to any Congregant past the date of the termination of
    their membership.

    1.7 Amendment of Terms and Conditions. UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV reserve
    the right to modify, change or terminate UNIFYD TV’s Terms and Conditions at any
    time. I, the Congregant, will be notified of any such change via email or by
    announcement of such on the UNIFYD TV’s platform(s) and/or site(s). If I do not
    agree to the changes, I must remove and cease any involvement, participation or using
    any links referring to UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s),
    directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) in conjunction
    with this Private Ecclesiastic Agreement.

    2.1 I, the Congregant, am solely responsible for the content of the links posted to UNIFYD
    TV platform(s) and/or site(s). Content shall be always placed and conform to all
    applicable regulations, including Private content and intellectual property. Moreover,
    I shall not hold UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV liable for said content or
    websites used for said placement.

    2.2 By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I, the Congregant, agree and consent to
    join UNIFYD WORLD’s congregation and to achieve participation in UNIFYD TV’s
    site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or
    event(s) voluntarily and without coercion or duress.

    2.3 By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, all consenting Parties agree and consent
    to change their capacity from that of a public Domain individual to that of a Private
    individual within Private Ecclesiastic jurisdiction under Private Ecclesiastic law and
    Common Law of contracts, seeking to help each other achieve better balance in body,
    mind and spirit.

    2.4 I, the Congregant, must be either an individual at least 18 years of age or older or an
    established and vetted organization.

    2.5 I, the Congregant, warrant that the information provided is accurate and true when
    agreeing to join UNIFYD WORLD and participate in UNIFYD TV’s site(s),
    platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s).
    Moreover, I am responsible for notifying UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV if any
    information changes during the term of this Agreement.

    2.6 I, the Congregant, may not generate or contribute to the generation of Artificial Traffic.

    2.7 By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I, the Congregant of UNIFYD WORLD
    and Participant of UNIFYD TV site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic
    Research Project(s), and/or event(s), consent, affirm and attest that I agree to the
    condition that any and all disputes against UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV,
    and/or all its parts, authorized representatives and joint ventures, must be brought to
    attention and addressed to the Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee of this
    Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization in order to seek resolution to said

    2.8 It cannot be stated strongly enough that all parties signing this Agreement by virtue
    of pact, covenant, allegiance, agreement and oath taken, have formed a legal and
    binding Contract Agreement and do so of their own free will, without coercion or
    duress. These Terms and Conditions and consent, embody and acknowledge all that is
    sacred to that oath and binding as No entity can infringe Contract.


    3.1 Monitor Traffic. UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV monitors and accounts for
    traffic to the site(s), as well as new Congregant(s) and/or Participant(s), content of
    interest and/or other information.

    3.2 UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV provides product reviews, directories, private
    services, links to product and content sites, instruction, counseling, coaching, tools and
    other spiritual advancement and physical/spiritual health related subjects and
    information, such as graphics, images, text, video or other materials and content
    provided for Private Ecclesiastic spiritual/scientific, educational, informational and
    research purposes only, on a monthly or annual Donation/Contribution basis.

    3.3 WE HEREBY declare that UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV conduct Ecclesiastical
    Research Protocols/Projects exclusively in the Private Ecclesiastic Domain.

    3.4 WE HEREBY declare that this Private Ecclesiastic Agreement is based on Private
    Ecclesiastical Law, Trust Law and under the Common Law of contracts and, as such,
    NO entity can infringe Contract.

    3.5 WE HEREBY declare that UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV will recognize any
    person(s), irrespective of race, color, gender, or religion or nationality, who have
    joined UNIFYD WORLD’s congregation and achieved participation in UNIFYD TV
    or any media group organized, created, or managed by this Private Ecclesiastic Entity,
    Faith Based Organization and is in agreement with these principles and policies,
    providing said person has not been sanctioned, exercised, or otherwise banned by this
    Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization, and will provide a medium
    through which its individual Participant(s) may associate for actuating and bringing to
    fruition the purposes heretofore declared.


    4.1 UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private
    Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) access is conducted on a monthly or
    annual Donation/Contribution basis.

    4.2 All monies received by UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV per Ecclesiastic
    activities and participation, shall be considered as Donations/Contributions, and in the
    form of recommended good-will offerings, and is not a monetary exchange such as
    that which exists in a fee for service agreement, and as such shall not be refunded
    without pure and irrefutable cause.

    5.1 Service Warranty. UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV cannot warrant or guarantee
    the performance of UNIFYD TV’s service(s), site(s), platform(s), directory(ies) or
    links to any linked website(s).

    5.2 UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV cannot be held liable for costs or damages
    incurred by the Congregant arising out of this Agreement unless caused directly by the
    negligence of UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV.

    5.3 UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV declare that participation in the congregation
    of UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV, or any of its groups and services, may be
    terminated at any time, should it be concluded that a specific Congregant/Participant
    is interacting with UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV or any other
    Congregant(s)/Participant(s) in a way that is contrary or detrimental to the focus,
    principles, and betterment of this Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization.

    5.4 All provisions of this Private Ecclesiastic Agreement or any portion of such
    provision shall not be held invalid or unenforceable by a Tribunal of competent
    jurisdiction. All provisions shall remain in full force and effect, and the Private
    Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee shall retain the exclusive privilege to alter or
    modify any provision(s) or portion(s) thereof affected to the minimum extent
    necessary if deemed appropriate by the Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee of
    this Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization.

    5.5 UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV shall bear no legal liability for any of the
    conduct, or operations of UNIFYD TV’s Private Participant(s), business activities and
    all conflict, whether internal or external, shall be first and foremost arbitrated by the
    Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee from UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD
    TV, before other jurisdictions or arbitration bodies foreign to these entities are
    involved. Failure to do so will result in Private administrative remedies (fines),
    complete liability toward the violating Party and compensation for damages accrued
    as well as expelling from the congregation and participation of the Private Ecclesiastic
    Research project(s).

    5.6 Resolution of disagreements, lawsuits or disputes between individuals, Organizations,
    Participants and Congregants, must be done solely by the Private Ecclesiastic
    Arbitration Committee of this Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization
    and resolved by Private administrative remedy only, done through an impartial and
    confidential process and shall not include any foreign Arbitration body but only be
    resolved by the Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee of this Private Ecclesiastic
    Entity, Faith Based Organization in conflict resolutions.

    5.7 No consent or waiver, express or implied, by any Party to or of any breach or default
    by another Party in the performance of any obligation hereunder shall be deemed or
    construed to be a consent or waiver to or of any other breach or default in the
    performance of the same or any other obligation hereunder. Failure on the part of any
    Party to complain of any act or failure to act of the other Party or to declare the other
    Party in default, irrespective of how long such failure continues, shall not constitute a
    waiver of such non-defaulting Party of its rights hereunder. No waiver shall be
    effective unless in writing and signed by the Party granting such waiver.

    5.8 Once this Agreement is signed and affirmed by a Private Congregant/Participant, said
    document constitutes a PRIVATE ECCLESIASTIC CONTRACT between
    UNIFYD WORLD, UNIFYD TV and the consenting Party and as such, no Congregant
    of UNIFYD WORLD or Participant of UNIFYD TV shall, under any circumstances,
    nor for any reason, abolish or annul the terms of said binding, absolute, inviolable
    right. Neither do any other parties, beings, entities, governments, corporations sole,
    corporations aggregate, nor any legal persons of any kind whatsoever, possess ethical
    and lawful authority for interfering in the relationship between any Congregant(s) of
    UNIFYD WORLD, Participant(s) of UNIFYD TV and the organization itself or any
    of the activities inherent to UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV in accord to this
    declaration and the prohibition against impairing the obligation of Contracts.

    5.9 The sovereign authority and capacity of UNIFYD WORLD, UNIFYD TV and each of
    its Private Congregants and/or Participants affirming the existence and establishment
    UNIFYD WORLD as a Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization, and
    Church/Temple and the existence and establishment of UNIFYD TV as a Private
    Ecclesiastic Research Project from this Private Ecclesiastic Entity, is in full force and
    effect. Said Private Covenant is thus inviolable and shall not be annulled or abolished
    in any manner by anyone, on unilateral action, presumption, consensus and/or decree.

    5.10 UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private
    Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), may participate in counseling,
    coaching, body, mind, and spirit, health balance tools, spirituality, religious
    advancement and other body, mind, and spirit health balance related subjects and
    information, such as graphics, images, text, video or other materials and content in
    UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private
    Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), and is designed exclusively for non-
    commercial reference, Private Ecclesiastic Research, educational, and informational
    purposes only. I shall not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace
    fully licensed health professional’s advice. If I have any concerns or questions about
    my health and/or the content on the site(s) and/or platform(s), I should always consult
    with a fully licensed health-care professional(s). I will not disregard, avoid or delay
    obtaining health related advice from my health-care professional because of something
    that I may have read or listened to on this site(s) and/or platform(s). The use of any
    information through any of UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV’s site(s) and/or
    platform(s) is purely and exclusively for educational and Private Ecclesiastic research
    purposes and is solely taken at my own risk and I shall not hold UNIFYD WORLD
    and/or UNIFYD TV liable.

    5.11 I, the Congregant, agree that UNIFYD WORLD and all its individual(s) in leadership
    and/or managing UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD WORLD’s site(s), platform(s),
    directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), shall not be
    held liable in any way, shape or form regarding any counseling, coaching, body, mind,
    and spirit health balance tools, spirituality, religious advancement and other body,
    mind, and spirit health balance related subjects and information, such as graphics,
    images, text, video or other materials and content in UNIFYD WORLD’s site(s),
    platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), or
    any negative interactions and/or any negative consequences that may arise from any
    connection(s) obtained through the UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD WORLD’s
    site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or
    event(s) or any of its related site(s) and/or platform(s).

    5.12 By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I, the Congregant, agree that UNIFYD
    WORLD and all its individual(s) in leadership and/or managing UNIFYD WORLD
    and/or UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research
    Project(s), and/or event(s), shall not be held liable in any way, shape or form regarding
    any scams that unrelated individual(s) may resort and/or use the site(s), platform(s),
    directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) for, nor any
    bots or artificial intelligence that may promote, incite or control scams and/or
    undesirable interactions or the use and trafficking of personal and Private information,
    electronic malware or any negative interactions and/or any negative consequences that
    may arise from any connection(s) obtained through the UNIFYD WORLD and/or
    UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research
    Project(s), and/or event(s) or any of its related site(s) and/or platform(s).

    5.13 In the event that any Congregant, individual(s), Organization(s) or Artificial
    Intelligence(s) shall breach the good will conditions of this Agreement, and/or intents
    to defraud UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV via a scam operation, malfeasance,
    malice, deceiving activities, installation of bots or malware, material and links that
    may be perilous and/or detrimental to UNIFYD WORLD, UNIFYD TV’s, site(s),
    platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), or
    Congregant(s), individual(s) and/or Organization(s), the Party in breach shall be fined,
    prosecuted and shall be financially liable to Private administrative remedy, with said
    financially liable amount being not less than One-Hundred Million USD
    ($100,000,000 USD).

    5.14 All Parties acknowledge that each Party has been given the opportunity to review and
    revise these Terms and Conditions’ Private Ecclesiastic Agreement and that the rule
    of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting
    Party shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Private Ecclesiastic

    5.15 I, the Congregant/Participant, agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless UNIFYD
    WORLD and UNIFYD TV, as well as its clergy, congregant(s)/participant(s),
    directors, officers, affiliates, agents, successors, assigns, and any third-party
    information providers from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, losses,
    liabilities, deficiencies, costs, damages, and expenses (including, but not limited to,
    reasonable fees, charges, and disbursements) incurred by UNIFYD WORLD as a
    result of any inaccuracy or breach of the representations, warranties, and guarantees.

    5.16 I, the Congregant/Participant, agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless UNIFYD
    WORLD from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, liabilities, losses,
    expenses, damages, and costs, including reasonable fees, arising out of or resulting
    from my participation and experience with any of UNIFYD WORLD’S site(s),
    platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s) and/or event(s),
    including, but not limited to, UNIFYD TV.

    5.17 I, the Congregant/Participant acknowledge that UNIFYD WORLD shall not be
    responsible or liable for or deemed in breach of these Terms and
    Conditions/Agreement because of any delay or failure in the performance of these
    Terms and Conditions/Agreement due to any event or circumstance, which the
    occurrence and the effect of which the party affected thereby is unable to prevent and
    avoid, including, without limitation, acts of God, pandemics, cyber-attacks,
    government regulation, curtailment of transportation facilities, strikes, lock-outs or
    other industrial actions or trade disputes of whatever nature (whether involving
    employees of a party or a third party), terrorist attacks, haze, sabotage, riots, civil
    disturbances, insurrections, national emergencies (whether in fact or law), blockades,
    acts of war (declared or not), etc. (hereinafter referred to as a “Force Majeure Event”).
    UNIFYD WORLD shall provide written notice describing the particulars of the Force
    Majeure Event as soon as possible.


    6.1 UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV recognizes any interaction as a Private
    Ecclesiastic participation which is between one or more Congregants, and/or
    spiritual/scientific counseling and research Participants which has, as its purpose, the
    performance of UNIFYD WORLD, UNIFYD TV and the Private
    Congregant/Participant’s obligations as described in these Terms and Conditions.

    6.2 Whenever a sharing of information provided on any of UNIFYD WORLD and/or
    UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research
    Project(s), and/or event(s), is performed by UNIFYD WORLD, UNIFYD TV and/or
    Congregants/Participants/subordinate organizations or individuals, they must abide by
    the Private Bylaws and Code of Ethics set forth by UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD
    TV and operate in accordance with these Private Bylaws and Code of Ethics.


    7.1 By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I, the Congregant, agree and consent to
    voluntarily be bound to the UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV’s Non-Disclosure,
    Non-Competing and Non-Soliciting Agreement and confidentiality clauses in the
    Terms and Conditions when I join UNIFYD WORLD’s congregation and participate in
    UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research
    Project(s), and/or event(s).

    7.2 By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I, the Congregant, entering this Private
    Ecclesiastic Agreement, voluntarily agree and consent that all activities within
    UNIFYD WORLD’s congregation and UNIFYD TV’s Private Ecclesiastic Research
    Project, are a Private Ecclesiastic matter that I refuse to share with the Local, State, or
    Federal investigative or enforcement agencies. I fully agree and attest to not pursue any
    course of legal action against a fellow Congregant(s), leadership and/or staff of the
    UNIFYD WORLD and/or Participant(s) of UNIFYD TV, unless that individual(s) has
    exposed me to a clear and present danger of substantive evil, and upon the
    recommendation and approval of UNIFYD WORLD’s Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration

    7.3 All confidential information disclosed after this Agreement is signed and agreed upon,
    shall be fully and exclusively (100%) owned by UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV.
    All Private Research Data, that is in any way based upon or uses any confidential
    information of UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV, are proprietary, privileged and
    confidential, intellectually protected, belonging to UNIFYD WORLD and its joint
    ventures and projects, and as such it is understood and acknowledged that they cannot
    and will not be released to any Party, including third parties, under any circumstances,
    whether by duress, coercion or any "instrument" used to procure them and shall conduct
    operations in the Private and Ecclesiastic Domain, remaining outside of the public
    jurisdiction of regulation imposed upon by government entities and Public Law.

    7.4 In addition, each Party agrees that it will not disclose, and it will direct its
    Representatives not to disclose, to any person the existence of this Private Agreement
    and contract transaction, and any of the terms, conditions or other facts with respect to
    any such Agreement and contract transaction or the status thereof without the prior
    written consent of the Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee of UNIFYD
    WORLD and UNIFYD TV. Further, the Parties agree that they will not, and will direct
    their Representatives not to, make any statement or any public announcement or any
    release or disclosure to trade publications or to any newspaper, television station or any
    other media outlets with respect to such Transaction. “Representative” shall be defined
    to be the Party’s representatives and shall include a Party’s present and future
    congregants, shareholders, managers, officers, directors, contractors, employees,
    attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, agents, and other representatives.

    7.5 This covenant and all UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s),
    directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s)’ business is to
    be kept Private, confidential and protected by Common Law, Private Ecclesiastical
    law, Trust Law and Common Law of contract’s applicable jurisdiction. The format,
    methodology, structure and composition of this and any other related document or
    content is proprietary and is Private Ecclesiastic Trust intellectual property. In the event
    that any Party shall breach the privacy condition of this Agreement, said Party shall be
    fined and shall be financially liable for a Private administrative remedy to an amount
    that shall not be less than One-Hundred million USD ($100,000,000 USD).

    7.6 Each Party shall be responsible for enforcing the confidentiality provisions of this
    Agreement with any of its Representatives by signing an identical agreement
    individually and shall take such legal or other action as may be reasonably necessary or
    appropriate to prevent any prohibited disclosure of any Party’s confidential
    information by both Party’s Representatives.

    7.7 Photographic and Videographic Release: In all events, you hereby grant UNIFYD
    WORLD permission to use photographs or video recordings taken of you at all events
    for promotional or advertising purposes without any compensation whatsoever to you.

    8.1 By signing and agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I agree and consent to
    enter into this Agreement of my own free will, without any duress or coercion. I
    affirm that I do not represent any Local, State or Federal agency whose purpose
    is to regulate and approve products or services, or to carry out any mission of
    enforcement, entrapment or investigation under penalty of perjury. I agree that
    if this statement is not truthful, I shall be financially liable for a Private
    Administrative Remedy to be carried out by the Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith
    Based Organization’s Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee. However, said
    Private Administrative Remedy’s amount shall not be less than One-Hundred
    million USD ($100,000,000 USD).

    8.2 By signing and agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I affirm and attest that I
    have read and understood this document, and my questions have been answered
    fully to my satisfaction. I understand that I can withdraw from this Private
    Ecclesiastic Agreement and terminate my participation in this Private
    Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization at any time. However, I shall
    remain bound in perpetuity within the constraints of the Non-Disclosure and
    Non- Competing Agreement that these Terms and Conditions entail, regardless
    of the termination of my participation and that my participation can and will be
    revoked if I engage in abusive, violent, menacing, destructive or harassing
    behavior towards any other Congregant(s) of the UNIFYD WORLD and/or
    Participant(s) of UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private
    Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) and any other of UNIFYD
    WORLD’s private services, Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or

    8.3 By signing and agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I agree and consent that I have
    entered into a Private Ecclesiastic Agreement with UNIFYD WORLD on the date of
    my joining UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic
    Research Project(s), and/or event(s) and will abide by the Terms and Conditions and
    Private Bylaws set forth by UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV.

    8.4 I affirm and attest that by joining UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV’s site(s),
    platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), I
    have carefully read the whole of this document and I consent, affirm and attest that I
    understand that NO entity can infringe Contract.

    8.5 These pages consist of the entire Agreement for my signature/consent towards the
    Terms and Conditions of UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s),
    directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s). By checking
    the checkbox, I acknowledge that it serves as my signature and signifies my
    consent/agreement to abide by the terms outlined in this Terms and


    This UNIFYD WORLD’s UNIFYD TV Private Ecclesiastic Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between UNIFYD WORLD/UNIFYD WORLD INC.’s Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization, Church/Temple (hereby known as “UNIFYD WORLD”), and I, the Congregant (hereby known as “Congregant”, “Party”, “Member”, “Participant” and/or “Organization”).


    WHEREAS I may not use this, or any private service related to UNIFYD WORLD or UNIFYD TV if I do not accept the terms of this Terms and Conditions’ Private Ecclesiastic Agreement.


    WHEREAS, I must accept this Terms and Conditions’ Private Agreement in full, before completing the application process on the UNIFYD TV’s platform(s) and/or site(s), in order to gain access to the Exclusive Private Content and be part of the UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) and UNIFYD WORLD’s Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization.


    WHERAS, the following definitions are used throughout the Agreement.


    DEFINITIONS. The following capitalized terms will have the meanings ascribed to them below:


    A.   “UNIFYD WORLD” means UNIFYD WORLD/UNIFYD WORLD INC., a Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization and Church/Temple.


    B.    “UNIFYD TV” means UNIFYD TV, a Private Ecclesiastical Research Project of UNIFYD WORLD, foradvancement of spirituality and education which utilizes UNIFYD TV’s platform(s) and/or site(s)’s Private, exclusive Body, Mind, and Spirit educational content.


    C.    “Congregant” or “Party” or “Member” or “Participant” or “Organization” means I, the person or entity who joins UNIFYD WORLD as a Congregant and participates in UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) as a Private Congregant/Participant from here on, afterconsenting to these Terms and Conditions.


    D.   “Donation/Contribution” means any amount donated by the Congregant to UNIFYD WORLD’s Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization and UNIFYD TV. 


    By joining UNIFYD WORLD’s congregation and entering into participation for UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), as well as any website or social media group started by, created by, maintained and/or organized by UNIFYD WORLD, the parties hereto agree to the Terms and Conditions of UNIFYD WORLD as well as its Private Ecclesiastic Research Project UNIFYD TV;

    NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:


    1.                           THE PRIVATE SERVICE


    1.1                  UNIFYD TV. Its streaming media site(s) and platform(s) that may provide Private and exclusivecontent with product reviews, directories, private services, Private Ecclesiastic and scientific research, links to products and content sites, instruction, counseling, coaching, tools and other spiritual advancement andphysical/spiritual health related subjects and information, such as graphics, images, text, video, links and/or other materials and content provided to me for Private Ecclesiastic, spiritual/scientific, educationaland research purposes only. I, the Congregant, shall not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace professional medical advice by a fully licensed health professional.


    1.2                  Link Placement. I, the Congregant, am allowed to place links to UNIFYD TV’s streaming media platform(s) on website(s), newsgroups, message boards or within electronic mail to invite new congregants to join UNIFYD WORLD and participants to UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s). I may not place links onwebsite(s), newsgroups, message boards, unsolicited emails or in any other location that may share content from UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV, which pertains to Private, Ecclesiastic and Proprietary Content, as that would constitute a breach in confidentiality and intellectual property.


    1.3                  I, the Congregant, may not place links that are intentionally or unintentionally misleading.


    1.4                  I, the Congregant, may not place referral links on websites, newsgroups, message boards, unsolicited emails or in any other location that may be injurious to the UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV’s brand.


    1.5                  I, the Congregant, may not place information in the Directory(ies) that is derived from another entity or individual who is not a private individual and congregant of UNIFYD WORLD and/or a participant of UNIFYD TV’s platform(s) and congregation. In case I use the Directory(ies) to include information from non-congregant entities, it would constitute a breach in confidentiality and intellectual property.


    1.6                  Amendment of Private Service. UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV reserve the right to modify,change or terminate UNIFYD TV’s private service and Congregant’s participation at any time. I, the Congregant, will be notified of any such change via email or by announcement of such on the UNIFYD TV platform(s) and/or site(s). If I do not agree to the changes, I must remove and cease using any links referring to UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV in conjunction with this Agreement.


    1.7                  Amendment of Terms and Conditions. UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV reserve the right to modify, change or terminate UNIFYD TV’s Terms and Conditions at any time. I, the Congregant, will be notified of any such change via email or by announcement of such on the UNIFYD TV’s platform(s) and/or site(s). If I do not agree to the changes, I must remove and cease using any links referring to UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) in conjunction with this Private Ecclesiastic Agreement.


    2.                          OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONGREGANT

    2.1                  I, the Congregant, am solely responsible for the content of the links posted to UNIFYD TV platform(s) and/or site(s). Content shall be always placed and conform to all applicable regulations, including Privatecontent and intellectual property. Moreover, I shall not hold UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV liable for said content or websites used for said placement.


    2.2                  By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I, the Congregant, agree and consent to join UNIFYD WORLD’s congregation and to achieve participation in UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) voluntarily and without coercion or duress.


    2.3                  By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, all consenting Parties agree and consent to change their capacity from that of a public Domain individual to that of a Private individual within Private Ecclesiastic jurisdiction under Private Ecclesiastic law and Common Law of contracts, seeking to help each otherachieve better balance in Body, Mind and Spirit.


    2.4                  I, the Congregant, must be either an individual at least 18 years of age or older or an established and vetted organization.


    2.5                  I, the Congregant, warrant that the information provided is accurate and true when agreeing to join UNIFYD WORLD and participate in UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s). Moreover, I am responsible for notifying UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV if any information changes during the term of this Agreement.


    2.6                  I, the Congregant, may not generate or contribute to the generation of Artificial Traffic.


    2.7                  By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I, as Congregant of UNIFYD WORLD and participant of UNIFYD TV site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), consent, affirm and attest that I agree to the condition that any and all disputes against UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV, and/or all its parts, authorized representatives and joint ventures, must be brought to attention and addressed to the Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee of this Private EcclesiasticEntity, Faith Based Organization in order to seek resolution to said dispute(s).


    2.8                  It cannot be stated strongly enough that all parties signing this Agreement by virtue of pact, covenant, allegiance, agreement and oath taken, have formed a legal and binding Contract Agreement and do so of their own free will, without coercion or duress. These Terms and Conditions and consent, embody and acknowledge all that is sacred to that oath and binding as No entity can infringe Contract.




    3.1                  Monitor Traffic. UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV monitors and accounts for traffic to the site(s),as well as new Congregant(s) and/or Participant(s), content of interest and/or other information.


    3.2                  UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV provides product reviews, directories, private services, links to product and content sites, instruction, counseling, coaching, tools and other spiritual advancement andphysical/spiritual health related subjects and information, such as graphics, images, text, video or other materials and content provided to me for Private Ecclesiastic spiritual/scientific, educational, informational and research purposes only, on a monthly or annual Donation/Contribution basis.


    3.3                  WE HEREBY declare that UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV conduct Ecclesiastical Research Protocols exclusively in the Private Ecclesiastic Domain.


    3.4                  WE HEREBY declare that this Private Ecclesiastic Agreement is based on Private Ecclesiastical law,Trust law and under the Common law of Contracts and, as such, NO entity can infringe Contract.


    3.5                  WE HEREBY declare that UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV will recognize any person(s), irrespective of race, color, gender, or religion or nationality, who have joined UNIFYD WORLD’s congregation and achieved participation in UNIFYD TV or any media group organized, created, or managed by this Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization and is in agreement with these principles and policies, providing said person has not been sanctioned, exercised, or otherwise banned by this Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization, and will provide a medium through which its individual Participant(s) may associate for actuating and bringing to fruition the purposes heretofore declared.


    4.                          REMUNERATION


    4.1                  UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) access is conducted on a monthly or annual Donation/Contribution basis.


    4.2                  All monies received by UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV per Ecclesiastic activities and participation, shall be considered as Donations/Contributions, and in the form of recommended good-willofferings, and is not a monetary exchange such as that which exists in a fee for service agreement, and as such shall not be refunded without pure and irrefutable cause.

    5.                          LIMITS ON UNIFYD WORLD AND UNIFYD TV LIABILITY


    5.1                  Service Warranty. UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV cannot warrant or guarantee the performanceof UNIFYD TV’s service(s), site(s), platform(s), directory(ies) or links to any linked website(s).


    5.2                  UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV cannot be held liable for costs or damages incurred by theCongregant arising out of this Agreement unless caused directly by the negligence of UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV.


    5.3                  UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV declare that participation in the congregation of UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV, or any of its groups and services, may be terminated at any time, should it be concluded that a specific Congregant/Participant is interacting with UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV or any other Congregant(s)/Participant(s) in a way that is contrary or detrimental to the focus,principles, and betterment of this Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization.


    5.4                  All provisions of this Private Ecclesiastic Agreement or any portion of such provision shall not be heldinvalid or unenforceable by a Tribunal of competent jurisdiction. All provisions shall remain in full force and effect, and the Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee shall retain the exclusive privilege to alter or modify any provision(s) or portion(s) thereof affected to the minimum extent necessary if deemed appropriate by the Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee of this Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization.


    5.5                  UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV shall bear no legal liability for any of the conduct, or operations of UNIFYD TV’s Private Participant(s), business activities and all conflict, whether internal or external, shall be first and foremost arbitrated by the Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee from UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV, before other jurisdictions or arbitration bodies foreign to these entities are involved. Failure to do so will result in Private administrative remedies (fines), complete liability toward the violating Party and compensation for damages accrued as well as expelling from the congregation and participation of the Private Ecclesiastic Research project(s).


    5.6                  Resolution of disagreements, lawsuits or disputes between individuals, Organizations, Participants and Congregants, must be done solely by the Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee of this Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization and resolved by Private administrative remedy only, done through an impartial and confidential process and shall not include any foreign Arbitration body but onlybe resolved by the Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee of this Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization in conflict resolutions.


    5.7                  No consent or waiver, express or implied, by any Party to or of any breach or default by another Party in the performance of any obligation hereunder shall be deemed or construed to be a consent or waiver to or of any other breach or default in the performance of the same or any other obligation hereunder. Failure on the part of any Party to complain of any act or failure to act of the other Party or to declare the other Party in default, irrespective of how long such failure continues, shall not constitute a waiver of such non-defaulting Party of its rights hereunder. No waiver shall be effective unless in writing and signed by the Party granting such waiver.


    5.8                  Once this Agreement is signed and affirmed by a Private Congregant/Participant, said document constitutes a Private Ecclesiastic Contract between UNIFYD WORLDUNIFYD TV and the consenting Party and as such, no Congregant of UNIFYD WORLD or Participant of UNIFYD TV shall, under any circumstances, nor for any reason, abolish or annul the terms of said binding, absolute, inviolable right.Neither do any other parties, beings, entities, governments, corporations sole, corporations aggregate, nor any legal persons of any kind whatsoever, possess ethical and lawful authority for interfering in the relationship between any Congregant(s) of UNIFYD WORLD, Participant(s) of UNIFYD TV and the organization itself or any of the activities inherent to UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV in accord tothis declaration and the prohibition against impairing the obligation of Contracts.


    5.9                  The sovereign authority and capacity of UNIFYD WORLD, UNIFYD TV and each of its Private Congregants and/or Participants affirming the existence and establishment UNIFYD WORLD as a Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization, and Church/Temple and the existence and establishment ofUNIFYD TV as a Private Ecclesiastic Research Project from this Private Ecclesiastic Entity, is in full force and effect. Said Private Covenant is thus inviolable and shall not be annulled or abolished in any manner by anyone, on unilateral action, presumption, consensus and/or decree.


    5.10             UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), may participate in counseling, coaching, mind, body and spirit health balance tools, spirituality, religious advancement and other mind, body and spirit health balance related subjectsand information, such as graphics, images, text, video or other materials and content in UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), and is designed exclusively for non- commercial reference, Private Ecclesiastic Research, educational, and informational purposes only. I shall not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace fully licensed health professional’s advice. If I have any concerns or questions about my health and/or the content on the site(s) and/or platform(s), I should always consult with a fully licensed health-care professional(s). I will not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining health related advice from my health-care professional because of something that I may have read or listened to on this site(s) and/or platform(s). The use of any information through any of UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV’s site(s) and/or platform(s) is purely and exclusively for educational and Private Ecclesiastic research purposes and is solely taken at my own risk and I shall not hold UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV liable.


    5.11             By agreeing to this Agreement, I, the Congregant, agree that UNIFYD WORLD and all its individual(s) in leadership and/or managing UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), shall not be held liable in any way, shape or form regarding any scams that unrelated individual(s) may resort and/or use the site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) for, nor any bots or artificial intelligence that may promote, incite or control scams and/or undesirable interactions or the use and trafficking of personal and Private information, electronic malware or any negative interactions and/or any negative consequences that may arise from any connection(s) obtained through the UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) or any of its related site(s) and/or platform(s).


    5.12             In the event that any Congregant, individual(s), Organization(s) or Artificial Intelligence(s) shall breach the good will conditions of this Agreement, and/or intents to defraud UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV via a scam operation, malfeasance, malice, deceiving activities, installation of bots or malware, material and links that may be perilous and/or detrimental to UNIFYD WORLDUNIFYD TV’s, site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), orCongregant(s), individual(s) and/or Organization(s), the Party in breach shall be fined, prosecuted and shall be financially liable to Private administrative remedy, with said financially liable amount being not less than One-Hundred Million USD ($100,000,000 USD).


    5.13             All Parties acknowledge that each Party has been given the opportunity to review and revise theseTerms and Conditions’ Private Ecclesiastic Agreement and that the rule of construction to the effect thatany ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting Party shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Private Ecclesiastic Agreement.


    5.14             I, the Congregant/Participant, agree to indemnify and hold UNIFYD WORLD harmless, as well as its clergy, congregant(s)/participant(s), directors, officers, affiliates, agents, successors, assigns, and any third-party information providers from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, losses, liabilities, deficiencies, costs, damages, and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable fees, charges, and disbursements) incurred by UNIFYD WORLD as a result of any inaccuracy or breach of the representations, warranties, and guarantees.


    5.15             I, the Congregant/Participant, agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless UNIFYD WORLD from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, liabilities, losses, expenses, damages, and costs, including reasonable fees, arising out of or resulting from my participation and experience with any of UNIFYD WORLD’S site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s) and/or event(s), including, but not limited to, UNIFYD TV.


    6.         OPERATIONS


    6.1              UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV recognizes any interaction as a Private Ecclesiastic participation which is between one or more Congregants, and/or spiritual/scientific counseling and research Participantswhich has, as its purpose, the performance of UNIFYD WORLDUNIFYD TV and the Private Congregant/Participant’s duties as described in these Terms and Conditions.


    6.2              Whenever a sharing of information provided on any of UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), is performed by UNIFYD WORLD, UNIFYD TV and/or Congregants/Participants/subordinate organizations orindividuals, they must abide by the Private Bylaws and Code of Ethics set forth by UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV and operate in accordance with these Private Bylaws and Code of Ethics.


    7.                          PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY 

    7.1              By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I, the Congregant, agree and consent to voluntarily bebound to the UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV’s Non- Disclosure, Non-Competing and Non-Soliciting Agreement and confidentiality clauses in the Terms and Conditions when I join UNIFYD WORLD’scongregation and participate in UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s).


    7.2              By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I, the Congregant, entering this Private Ecclesiastic Agreement, voluntarily agree and consent that all activities within UNIFYD WORLD’s congregation and UNIFYD TV’s Private Ecclesiastic Research Projectare a Private Ecclesiastic matter that I refuse to share with the Local, State, or Federal investigative or enforcement agencies. I fully agree and attest to not pursueany course of legal action against a fellow Congregant(s), leadership and/or staff of the UNIFYD WORLD and/or Participant(s) of UNIFYD TV, unless that individual(s) has exposed me to a clear and present danger of substantive evil, and upon the recommendation and approval of UNIFYD WORLD’s Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee.


    7.3              All confidential information disclosed after this Agreement is signed and agreed upon, shall be fully and exclusively (100%) owned by UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TVAll Private Research Data, that is in any way based upon or uses any confidential information of UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TVare proprietary, privileged and confidential, intellectually protected, belonging to UNIFYD WORLD and its joint ventures and projects, and as such it is understood and acknowledged that they cannot and will not be released to any Party, including third parties, under any circumstances, whether by duress, coercion or any"instrument" used to procure them and shall conduct operations in the Private and Ecclesiastic Domain,remaining outside of the public jurisdiction of regulation imposed upon by government entities and Public Law.


    7.4              In addition, each Party agrees that it will not disclose, and it will direct its Representatives not todisclose, to any person the existence of this Private Agreement and contract transaction, and any of the terms, conditions or other facts with respect to any such Agreement and contract transaction or the status thereof without the prior written consent of the Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee of UNIFYDWORLD and UNIFYD TV. Further, the Parties agree that they will not, and will direct their Representatives not to, make any statement or any public announcement or any release or disclosure totrade publications or to any newspaper, television station or any other media outlets with respect to such Transaction. “Representative” shall be defined to be the Party’s representatives and shall include a Party’spresent and future congregants, shareholders, managers, officers, directors, contractors, employees, attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, agents, and other representatives.


    7.5              This covenant and all UNIFYD WORLD and/or UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s)’ business is to be kept Private, confidential and protected by Common Law, Private Ecclesiastical law, Trust law and Common law of contract’s applicable jurisdiction. The format, methodology, structure and composition of this and any other related document or content is proprietary and is Private Ecclesiastic Trust intellectual property. In the event that any Partyshall breach the privacy condition of this Agreement, said Party shall be fined and shall be financially liable for a Private administrative remedy to an amount that shall not be less than One-Hundred million USD ($100,000,000 USD).


    7.6              Each Party shall be responsible for enforcing the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement with any of its Representatives by signing an identical agreement individually and shall take such legal or otheraction as may be reasonably necessary or appropriate to prevent any prohibited disclosure of any Party’s confidential information by both Party’s Representatives.


    7.7              Photographic and Videographic Release: In all events, you hereby grant UNIFYD WORLD permission to use photographs or video recordings taken of you at all events for promotional or advertising purposes without any compensation whatsoever to you.


    8.1                     By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I agree and consent to enter into this Agreement of my own free will, without any duress or coercion. I affirm that I do not represent any Local, State or Federal agency whose purpose is to regulate and approve products or services, or to carry out any mission of enforcement, entrapment or investigation under penalty of perjury. I agree that if this statement is not truthful, I shall be financially liable for a Private administrative remedy to be carried out by the Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization’s Private Ecclesiastic Arbitration Committee. However, said Private Administrative Remedy’s amount shall not be less than One-Hundred million USD ($100,000,000 USD).


    8.2                     By signing and agreeing upon these Terms and Conditions, I affirm and attest that I have read and understood this document, and my questions have been answered fully to my satisfaction. I understand that I can withdraw from this Private Ecclesiastic Agreement and terminate my participation in this Private Ecclesiastic Entity, Faith Based Organization at any time. However, I shall remain bound in perpetuity within the constraints of the Non-Disclosure and Non- Competing Agreement that these Terms and Conditions entail, regardless of the termination of my participation and that my participation can andwill be revoked if I engage in abusive, violent, menacing, destructive or harassing behavior towards any other Congregant(s) of the UNIFYD WORLD and/or Participant(s) of UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) and any other of UNIFYD WORLD’s private services, Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s).


    8.3                     By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, I agree and consent that I have entered into a PrivateEcclesiastic Agreement with UNIFYD WORLD on the date of my joining UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s) and will abide bythe Terms and Conditions and Private Bylaws set forth by UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV.


    8.4                     I affirm and attest that by joining UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s), I have carefully read the whole of this document and I consent, affirm and attest that I understand that NO entity can infringeContract.


     These pages consist of the entire Agreement for my consent towards the Terms and Conditions of UNIFYD WORLD and UNIFYD TV’s site(s), platform(s), directory(ies), Private Ecclesiastic Research Project(s), and/or event(s).